What if I can’t afford to pay for a lawyer?
Here we typically do what’s known as a contingency. And, so when a client comes into our office and says that need they need help. They don’t owe us a dime. Whenever they come there is no consultation fee, there is no retainer fee. And, so when a client comes into our office that needs help, we say that us getting paid is contingent upon us winning. And, so if we were to have a case and it goes six months and for some reason we lose or for some reason it gets dismissed the client doesn’t owe us a dime. The client doesn’t have to pay us thousands of dollars as soon as they meet with us. And, so that really allows us to help clients that are in need, allow them sit back, allow us to do the work, in terms of helping them. And, it also puts more of, it puts more pressure on us to work hard for you. Because if we don’t win, we don’t get anything either and we’ve incurred the cost. And so, in terms of how much a client has to pay here Bailey Javins & Carter with our contingency you don’t have to pay a dime unless you win. And, then the attorneys only get paid after we have some type of recovery. And so, if you have questions about how much you have to pay attorneys, at Bailey Javins & Carter there is no fee upfront, we only get paid if you win. And, so you should give us a call. Bailey Javins & Carter at (304) 345-0346.