Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit?
You can imagine upon the passing of a loved one. Most folks have a wife, children, brothers, sisters, all of whom have suffered some loss as a result of this death. We can all imagine what a mess it would be. If all of those people could go file their own law suit. There would just be, how would you even begin to deal with that many lawsuits?
So the laws basically allow for one wrongful death suit. And the representative of the estate is the person who files that lawsuit, depending on which state you live in the method by which you get to be the The, representative of the estate could be different. And we’ve done these all over the country. I I literally as far away as Montana, I’ve done these cases. And, so we can quickly familiarize ourselves, with how we get you appointed.
Remember though, even if you get to be the representative of the estate, you still have a duty to protect the interest of all those other people that we just spoke of who shouldn’t be filing tons of lawsuits, so we have the one lawsuit. So if you have other questions and want us to have a look at a wrongful death case for you, called Bailey Javins & Carter.