What type of workplace accidents do you see most often?
That I see most often as an attorney here. Bailey Javins & Carter is we represent folks that have been involved in pretty much any type of workplace or industrial accident. But the majority of the time we see a lot of oil and gas well cases, Marcellus Shale cases, where they’ve been injured on the oil rig performing drilling or making a connection to the drill stem. We also see there’s a lot of trucking, commercial trucking, workplace actions that occur in with the oil and gas drilling. Another big industry in West Virginia is logging and timbering. Almost in every logging and timbering case we see training to be an issue and whether or not there was a certified logger on site which is required. The oil and gas well, logging and timbering and then we do see a lot of trucking accidents here as well as I mentioned. But those are three of the biggest workplace accidents, types of accidents, that we see in addition to mining. And, if you’re involved in one of those please give myself or an attorney here at Bailey Javins & Carter a call as soon as possible.