What is unique about an accident with a commercial vehicle?
A commercial motor vehicle is very unique and does differ from your typical, we call it red car blue car if you’re involved in an accident with another automobile that’s not a commercial vehicle. It’s unique in the fashion that there’s different laws that cover, there’s different laws regulations, standards of care, that cover commercial motor vehicles that do not cover your typical car or vehicle. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration puts out these requirements for commercial drivers that commercial drivers and the federal motor carriers are required to comply with and they’re mandatory. For instance, one example is if your in your own vehicle you can drive it for as long as you want as long as you don’t fall asleep. Commercial drivers are required to fill out a drivers log on a daily basis for the trip that they’re on and they have to record the hours that they’re actually actively driving versus the hours that they’re not driving. And there are certain requirements for those hours driver fatigue is one of the leading causes of accidents with commercial motor vehicles today. And so, the main difference or uniqueness in a commercial trucking, commercial motor vehicle accident is the laws that apply the Federal Motor carrier safety standards the DFT regulations. And laws that do not apply in your typical car accident. So if you’re dead if you’re injured by a commercial motor vehicle please give myself here. Bailey Javins & Carter call.