What is an Independent Medical Exam (IME)?
When you have a trucking case and you’re in litigation a lot of times you’ll be asked to have or what’s called an independent medical examination. The first thing I will tell you is there is no such thing as an independent medical examination. It is an insurance company bought, paid for medical examination and the sole reason you’re having that medical examination is so that they can basically offer an opinion that your injuries are not as significant as they truly are. And understand folks, the doctors that they choose for these, and I’m gonna use it in quotes, “independent medical examinations” they get chosen because the insurance companies and their lawyers usually like what that doctors got to say. So, the best thing you can do is if you have a claim and you don’t have a lawyer and you’re to the point where they’re wanting to send you for an independent medical examination you need to call Bailey Javins & Carter so that we can protect your rights. Because you don’t need to go alone and unprepared to an independent Non independent medical examination.