How much does a medical malpractice case cost?
The answer is nothing, unless there is a recovery. Our firm takes medical malpractice cases on what’s called a contingent fee basis. There is nothing owed by you as a client unless there is a recovery at the end of the case. That’s why we very carefully screen these cases. We make sure they are looked at by good experts. Because it’s our time and frankly our money that’s invested in these cases. So there is an economic incentive that we only take good cases. A lot of folks want to talk about lawyers filing frivolous lawsuits. Well if you do a medical malpractice case the right way, it has to be a good case. So if you come to see us we’re going to have an expert look at that case. We’re going have them tell us whether or not it’s a good case, we’ll pursue it and if we lose it, and sometimes even with a great case you don’t know what a jury’s going to do with it. If we lose that case you owe us nothing. If we win the case for you then we’ll charge you a percentage of the recovery. So if you want to have us look at your case for free we don’t charge to analyze a case called Bailey Javins & Carter.