How long will it take to resolve my trucking accident case?
One of the questions we get asked is how long might it take to resolve a tracking accident case. I always tell folks that if you’re gonna take a case all the way to trial, we usually try to have a case and trial between eighteen and twenty four months after the case has been through the door. However, we would certainly like to resolve that case, if possible as early, as early as you would. So, the secret to getting a case resolved early is working it up right on the front end.
So very quickly, if you become a client of this firm, we’re gonna get the right liability experts, that will be ready to offer expert opinion as to what the company, did that was wrong. We’re gonna have medical experts very quickly that can quantify and talk about the impairment that you suffered as a result of the injuries. We’re gonna have a vocational specialist that is going look at what it all means to your ability earn a living and will have an economist that will be able to offer opinion as to what the dollars and cents are at the end of the day. And if you’ve got a lot of future medical care that’s necessary because of your injuries, we even have the these guys called life care planners. So, we very quickly will try to get the right experts in place and do an investigation. And, as quickly as we have all that information gathered and we have an assessment what your case is worth, in our opinion, then we’ll submit a demand to the other side.
And very quickly, we will try to get that case resolved. But the important thing is if they won’t resolve the case, then we’re ready for the next step. We’re ready to go to trial. We’ll give them a chance to resolve it early, but if they don’t, we’re ready to take it to trial. So if whether you want to resolve your case or try your case, give Bailey Javins and Carter a call and we’ll try to figure out what you’ve got.